On Friday, October 1st 2021, James Gannon – TraumaNet Chair and Trauma Program Manager at LifeBridge’s Sinai Hospital – spoke with Torrey Snow on WBAL 1090/FM 101.5 News Radio Show. They discussed youth violence, the impact on healthcare workers and what the community can do to help. Torrey asked Jaime a few questions about these topics.
Can you describe the trauma picture in Baltimore City?
James: Over the past several years, especially this past year 2021 – there has been a significant spike in violence and traumas in the city. The victims and perpetrators are younger and younger in ages.
What goes through a healthcare worker's mind while caring for a victim of violence? What toll does that have on them?
James: It’s your job to do everything you’ve been trained to do to save the child’s life. It’s not until after and everything has settled down, that the emotion and heartbreak comes to light. There are plenty of times that those who work in trauma, drive home in numbness and in tears on the way home.
How are Trauma Centers gathering together to plan for next steps in violence prevention?
James: Maryland Trauma Network is a collaboration of all the trauma centers and pediatric trauma centers in Maryland. We talk about what is working with our violence intervention programs. All of the Trauma Centers have some sort of violence intervention program within the hospital, however, by the time the program staff is able to see the victim, it’s too late. MD TraumaNet is involved in the community to work on injury prevention and violence prevention. Sinai is very involved with Safe Streets in Park Heights. Jaime has taught the Safe Streets team Stop the Bleed, so that they can share with the community during their outreach.
What can the community do to help?
James: We have to stop the violence. Communities need to find a way to take pride in themselves, respect in their lives, and respect in their communities. Conflict resolution has turned into violent incidents.
Where can community members go for more information?
James: Community members can visit Maryland TraumaNet’s website. There is a list of hospital contacts for a Stop the Bleed Class.
Thank you to Torrey Snow and WBAL for having James on the air today.